Confederate Relic Room and Military Museum
The Confederate Relic Room and Military Museum (CRRMM) holds collections that preserve the military history of the state of South Carolina.
- Libraries and History Agencies
- Travel and Recreation Agencies

Department of Administration
As the central administrative agency for state government, the South Carolina Department of Administration’s (Admin) mission is: Lead to identify efficiencies. Collaborate to provide services to enhance security and trust. Innovate to increase effectiveness.
- General Services Agencies

Department of Agriculture
The South Carolina Department of Agriculture (SCDA) promotes and protects the state's agricultural industry.
- Environment and Natural Resources Agencies

Department of Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Services
The South Carolina Department of Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Services (SCDAODAS) is the state authority for alcohol and other drug abuse programming.
- Community and Culture Agencies
- Family and Social Agencies

Department of Archives and History
The South Carolina Department of Archives and History (SCDAH) is an independent state agency dedicated to promoting and protecting historical records and heritage of South Carolina.
- Libraries and History Agencies